November 14, 2008

The Gaslamp Killer: BBC Mary Hobbs Show Mix

Gaslamp Killer BBC Mix: Another sick mix from the Gaslamp Killer. I can't remember where I found this but I think it was recorded on September 10, 2008
The Gaslamp Killer - 'Intro'
Lorn - 'Unreleased'
Kode 9 Ft. The Space Ape - 'Nine Samurai'
Bar 9 - 'Untitled Symphony'
Bar 9 - 'Murda Sound'
Caspa - 'Oh R Ya?'
Mike Jones - 'Still Tippin'
Trick Daddy - 'Shut Up'
Portishead - 'Over'
Mr.Chop Featuring Malcolm Catto - 'Metropolis Del Ferro'
Ghostface Killah - 'Nutmeg'
Samiyam - 'The Return'
Flying Lotus - 'Ab-Original'
Mrr - 'Mikepsych'
Fando Y Lis' Outro


Anonymous said...

This looks big time fresh. Big ups.

By the way, email me so I can get your email ( I don't know if I still have it).

Mine is

Also, here is a fresh new mix I made-->

Check it out and let me know if you like it, it's pretty fresh.

elmattic said...

Ack. GLK discovers dubstep.

Dubstep to me mostly sounds like music from a scene in a club in some cheap sci-fi movie from the late 80s, probably starring Rutger Hauer, as made by the producer's cousin's son on a Casio.

That was pretty incoherent but the short version is: I think dubstep pretty much sounds like ass.

Henry Krinkle said...

What part of the mix is dubstep (I didn't know the term - had to google it). Is it the first 4 minutes or so?