May 6, 2008

The Gaslamp Killer: Gaslamp Killers

Gaslamp Killers: Thanks to AstroNation for upping this. No tracklist here - just beats. If unfamiliar, Gaslamp Killer has a really unique sound, but if pressed I would liken it to early DJ Shadow or Mo'Wax stuff - think tough beats with a psychedelic edge. Highly Recommended .


Mr. Miscreant said...

wow...this is pretty tight! thanks!

Henry Krinkle said...

Yeah - I've been playing this one non-stop.

Did I ever send you an invite to my other site? If not, get me your email address. I have some more Gaslamp Killer on that site.

elmattic said...

This is some dope shit. Have you joined the PSY/OPSogist brigade yet? Check him on out & show some love:

Henry Krinkle said...

ellmatic: I haven't yet but will.

Mr. Miscreant said...
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